File Uploader (Multiple)

To implement this plugin, follow the instructions at LPology.

The images will not actually upload to this server; this is an example to get you started with the plugin.

Drag files here to upload

or to choose files.

I chose this script because the minified file size is 25k, because it has some flexibility for the designer, and because PHP samples are included. This is tested in production on a site with over 1m users. Visit LPology to get the plugin.
The browse button can be inside or outside the dropzone, but requires a js class, ie btnUpload.
Delete Button
Your back-end-dev will need to make the delete button work. Since this will upload by Ajax to your server, the delete button will need to actually delete files from your server. Right now, it just deletes the box shown in the page.
PHP, LPology

See the Pen Embpqv by (@btn-ninja) on CodePen.