
  1. Create a top level folder, for example, C:/node.
  2. Install Node (which includes NPM).
  3. Open the Node console.

    In Windows, Start > Node.js > Node.js command prompt > Run as Administrator.
    Change to your dev folder, for example:

    cd ../../node
  4. Install Ionic
    npm install ionic -g
  5. Install Ionic Vue

    Required ON: Router, history mode, node-sass.
    Recommended OFF: lint.

    npm install @vue/cli -g npm install vue-router -g npm install @ionic/vue -g npm install @ionic/core -g npm install ionic cordova -g npm install cordova-cli -g npm install ionic-webpack -g npm install ionic-native -g npm install @ionic-native/core -g

    Note: Some installs not prefixed with ionic will fail. For example, ionic-cordova plugin seems to be required, rather than just installing cordova.

  6. Patch icons

    Rollback to previous version of icons. May also need to be done in individual project folders.

    npm install ionicons@4.5.9-1 -g
  7. Create a project

    vue create yourProjectName cd yourProjectName ionic init yourCOMPANYname

    Note: Your folder/project name doesn't matter. You can rename & copy folders and they will still work (after you restart the server from within the correct folder).

    Note: You do not have to run init on every new folder, if you are using a copy of the files.

  8. View your project

    Start the server:
    This starts local server without mobile view available, so just run this as a 'hello world' test.

    npm run serve

    Running a 'build' would create manifests and other items needed by each OS. If you were creating a production build, you would instead type:

    npm run build

    In browser, open:


    To start server in future, use the CLI (always run as admin):

    cd ../../node/yourProjectName npm run serve
  9. Add Capacitor (for device operations like storage, camera, etc)

    These probably can be skipped, and already exist in our Github version.

    Switch to your folder & add Capacitor.

    cd ../../node/yourProjectName npm install @capacitor/core @capacitor/cli -g ionic integrations enable capacitor npm run build

    Note: It is important to run build before proceeding further.

    Open 'capacitor.config.json' and change 'webDir' value from 'www' to 'dist'.

    { "appId": "io.ionic.starter", "appName": "yourCOMPANYname", "bundledWebRuntime": false, "npmClient": "npm", "webDir": "dist" } ionic cap add ios ionic cap add android npm install @ionic/pwa-elements ionic cordova plugin add cordova-sqlite-storage npm install -g @ionic-native/sqlite npm install -g rxjs npm install -g @ionic-native/sqlite@4 npm install -g nativescript-sqlite

    If error [sass is missing]:

    cd ../../node npm i sass-loader -g npm i node-sass -g

    For mystery errors, try 'npm list' or 'npm list -g' to look for missing dependencies.

  10. Add Chrome devtools plugin for your desktop.
  11. Install devApp on your phone.

    In AppStore or GooglePlay, download the devApp onto your phone.

    Run CLI as admin:

    cd ../../node/ ionic init Project type: @ionic/vue

    Inside your folder, modify file ionic.config.json. Change type to custom.

    { "name": "aynax", "integrations": {}, "type": "custom" }

    Inside your folder, modify file package.json:

    "scripts": { "ionic:build": "vue-cli-service build", "ionic:serve": "vue-cli-service serve", "serve": "vue-cli-service serve", "build": "vue-cli-service build" }

    Start mobile server:

    In CLI, use this to start servers. Your app should appear on desktop, and devApp viewer, available on both Android and iOS.

    ionic serve --devapp

    To open server in future:

    cd ../../node/yourProjectName ionic serve --devapp

    These files should already be in our Github because they are installed in the project folder.

    cd ../../node/yourProjectName npm install axios vue-axios --save npm install vuex --save

    Add Stripe and camera support (undone)

    npm install @ionic-native/stripe npm install @ionic-native/camera ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-camera

    Doublecheck your manifest and permission requests. See files:

    /ios/App/App/Info.plist /android/capacitor-cordova-android-plugins/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml

    These files may exist in Github. If not 'npm run build' to create them.